
  • Kullaberg Webapp Launched

    The Kullaberg Webapp has been rebuilt from the ground up. You may now open the app on any internet web browser on any modern platform.

    If you would like to contribute, you can contact us or get started right away if you have web programming experience. This is an opensource project.

    App Features
    Zoomable vector maps
    Responsive Design
    Material Design Standards
    Offline Capability
    Automatic Language Detection
    Direct Contact Buttons
    Optional Install to Home or Desktop
    MIT Open Source Github Repo

  • Trails Added

    New trails are being added to Kullaberg this summer of 2017! We will announce the location of the trail on our facebook page once the clearing is complete.

  • Integration with Google Maps

    You can now get all our interesting spots offline on your map app! Just go into any one of our trails and click on All Sights. You will need to be online while this loads the first time but should have all three trails included in your map offline. Go explore!

App Instructions

  • Using the Floating Action Button

    You will find a red floating action button on the bottom right corner of your screen. When this button is pressed, it will reveal a few additional buttons that you may also press. These buttons are detailed bellow.

    This is the main page of the app which you will see first. Use this button to check recent news and events in Kullaberg, access app instructions and recomended ways to report your observations to the staff.

    Click this button to see the available maps: Kullaberg Trail Map, Kullaleden Infomap, and a Sattelite view of the Kullaleden SL5 Trail. Use pinch-zoom gestures to zoom in on the maps to get a better view of the desired area. You can also reference these maps offline.

    Points of Interest
    Click or touch this button to learn and browser through important points of interest from Kullaleden, Western Kullaberg and Sights of Heritage.

    Explore Location
    You will find this button once you expand a Point of Interest while exploring the trails. Click or touch this button to open your prefered map application, Google or Apple Maps and learn about landmarks that interest you. You can then use your map app as you normally would to find directions and compare the destination to your location. You can then press the back button on your phone to return to the Kullaberg App and continue browsing other points of interest.


    Use this button to contact us. Contact options include email, phone, website, facebook and instagram.

    Use this button to find your longitude and lattitude. The app will ask for permission to find your location.

  • Updating the App

    Updating is easy and automatic. Simply open the app and it will automatically check if there is any update available. If there is, it will begin to download the new information immediately and will notify you when it is done. When it is ready, you simply reload the page, or reopen the app and the new version will be visible.

  • Integration with Google Maps

    Google Maps is a recommended download on your mobile phone to perfectly complement this app. It will show you the precise locations of all our interesting points. Just keep in mind that Google Maps is a separate app so you will have to navigate between both apps at times, but we have taken care to integrate both smoothly. You can get the best of Street View and Directions as well as the precise GPS location. If you click on the All Sights feature, you should have all trails stored offline on your app for future reference.


  • Using the Contact Icons

    You will find contact buttons on the bottom of the app. When these buttons are pressed, it will perform an action to contact us. These buttons are detailed bellow.

    This button will automatically open your prefered email client and address the email to the naturum. You may then proceed to provide your name as a sender and a message in the body of the email. You may also attach any necesary files or pictures and send the email when you are ready.

    Click this button to open your prefered dialing app and automatically enter the Naturum Phone number. You may then press the dial button when you are ready to talk to us. Normal charges may apply by using your phone service.

    Press this button to or touch this button to open Naturum Kullaberg's website where you will find more information.


    We keep our facebook page up to date and interact regularly with our visitors! Give us a like and rate us.

    We have an instagram account where we post short videos of the various activities that take place in and around Kullaberg. Follow us and comment!

  • For Emergencies

    Please dial 112.